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Audio / Kato

2024.Sound, 05:32

El 2023, un grup neonazi va destrossar el cementiri jueu de Katowice (Cmentarz ul. Kozielska), a Polònia. Aquell any vaig voler visitar el cementiri, però estava tancat. Amb el pas dels dies, vaig aconseguir posar-me en contacte amb l'arquitecte encarregat de la seva conservació i em va convidar a visitar-lo. Quan vaig entrar, em va sorprendre com s'havia integrat la natura a les tombes. A partir de llavors, el meu interès va créixer i vaig visitar altres cementiris jueus de Polònia, com el de Varsòvia (Cmentarz Zydowski), on es repetia la mateixa simbiosi. Un exemple invers és l'edifici Uniwersytet Warszawaski de Varsòvia, on la natura forma part de l'Arquitectura.

In 2023, a neo-Nazi group vandalised the Jewish cemetery in Katowice (Cmentarz ul. Kozielska) in Poland. I wanted to visit the cemetery that year, but it was closed. As the days went by, I managed to get in touch with the architect in charge of its preservation and he invited me to visit. When I entered, I was amazed at how nature had been integrated into the graves. From then on, my interest grew and I decided to visit other Jewish cemeteries in Poland, such as the one in Warsaw (Cmentarz Zydowski), where the same symbiosis was repeated. A reverse example is the Uniwersytet Warszawaski building in Warsaw, where nature is part of the architecture. In both cases, whether artificial or natural, this singularity can be observed.

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